Ruby 与 Rails IDE 代码编辑器 JetBrains RubyMine v2022.1.2 for Windows Mac Linux
JetBrains RubyMine是一款由 JetBrains 最新发布的为 Ruby 和 Rails 开发者准备的 IDE,RubyMine 是建立在 IntellJ IDEA 平台之上,提供所有必须的 IDE 功能,比如编辑,调试工具,源代码控制集成,代码自动提示完成,以及其他功能。
最智能的 Ruby 与 Rails IDE
得益于对 Ruby 与 Rails、JavaScript 与 CoffeeScript、ERB 与 HAML、CSS 以及 Sass 与 Less 等的一流支持,更高效地编写优质代码。
使用智能搜索跳到任何类、文件或符号,甚至任何 IDE 操作或工具窗口。 只需点击一下即可切换到声明、超级方法、测试、用法和实现,等等。
利用基于 MVC 的项目视图与模型、类和 gem 依赖项关系图在您的 Rails 项目中以超快的速度导航。
自动且安全的重构可以帮助您清理代码并使代码更易于维护。 可以感知 Rails 的重构能够帮助您执行项目级变更:例如,重命名控制器也会重命名帮助程序、视图和测试。
为 Ruby、JavaScript 和 CoffeeScript 使用带图形化 UI 的强大调试器。 只需动动指尖,即可设置断点、分步运行您的代码并利用所有可用的信息。
使用编码辅助与基于 GUI 的测试运行程序创建并运行 RSpec、Cucumber、Shoulda、MiniTest 和 Test::Unit 测试。
在 RubyMine 中,可自定义的配色方案、键盘方案和高效开发所需的所有外观设置会让您如鱼得水。
在利用 Git、SVN、Mercurial 和其他版本控制系统时通过统一的 UI 节省时间。
畅享与各种工具的无缝集成,例如 Rake Task Runner、Rails Generators、Bundler、RVM/Rbenv 和 Zeus 等。 在您需要时,终端还可用作 IDE 工具窗口。
通过 FTP 或 SFTP 轻松配置自动部署,并使用 Vagrant、Capistrano、Chef 或 Puppet 管理您的基础架构。
Work Faster with a Smart Editor
Produce high-quality code more efficiently, thanks to first-class support for Ruby and Rails, JavaScript and CoffeeScript, ERB and HAML, CSS, Sass and Less, and more.
Take advantage of the language specific-aware syntax & error highlighting, code formatting, code completion, and quick documentation.
Find Your Way Around
Use smart search to jump to any class, file or symbol, or even any IDE action or tool window. It only takes one click to switch to the declaration, super method, test, usages, implementation, and more.
Enjoy super fast navigation in your Rails project with an MVC-based project view and model, class, and gem dependencies diagrams.
Detect & Eliminate Code Smells
Follow community best practices with code inspections verifying your code for many types of possible errors and providing on-the-fly improvements with quick-fix options.
Automated yet safe refactorings help clean up your code and keep it more maintainable. Rails-aware refactorings help you perform project-wide changes: for example renaming a controller will also rename the helper, views, and tests.
Test & Debug with Pleasure
Use the powerful debugger with a graphical UI for Ruby, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript. Set breakpoints, run your code step by step and make use of all the available information at your fingertips.
Create and run RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda, MiniTest & Test::Unit tests with coding assistance and a GUI-based test runner.
Enjoy a Fine‐Tuned Workspace
In RubyMine you can quickly help yourself feel at home, with customizable color schemes, keyboard schemes, and all the look-and-feel settings you need for productive development.
Save time with a unified UI for working with Git, SVN, Mercurial and other version control systems.
Manage Your Project Environment
Enjoy seamless integration with tools like Rake Task Runner, Rails Generators, Bundler, RVM/Rbenv, Zeus, and others. The Terminal is also available as an IDE tool window whenever you need it.
Easily configure automatic deployment via FTP or SFTP and manage your infrastructure with Vagrant, Capistrano, Chef, or Puppet.
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Ruby 与 Rails IDE 代码编辑器 JetBrains RubyMine v2022.1.2 for Windows Mac Linux
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