最佳高清视频录像软件 Bandicam 采用了全新界面设计,增加了两种录制模式支持,增加了对绘图功能中文本输入的支持,另外包含其它诸多改进及修复。3.0版本之后增加了摄像头、Xbox One/PS4、智能手机、IPTV、视频捕捉卡等外设屏幕录制功能,支持DX12游戏录制及全新HEVC H.265视频编码。
Bandicam,游戏录制工具,视频录制工具,高清视频录制利器,号称世界三大视频录制神器之一!Bandicam是一款由韩国开发的高清游戏及视频录制的电脑工具。它录制的视频文件不仅体积小,而且画质相当清晰,支持H.264预制高清,以较高的压缩率可录制超过分辨率高达2560×1600高画质视频(1080p全高清视频),录制的同时还能添加水印到视频中,录制后支持编辑视频,支持bmp、png 、jpeg等格式截图。


Bandicam 录像软件支持各类2D/3D精彩的游戏视频录制,用它来扑捉每秒120帧数的视频,4K高清游戏录制。


Bandicam 录像软件录制屏幕上您操作的所有内容,软件操作,网络教学,课件制作,在线视频,直播视频等,高清录屏。


Bandicam 录像软件能够录制电脑外置设备,比如网络摄像头,Xbox/PS游戏机,手机,网络电视等。

Bandicam 视频介绍

Bandicam (班迪录屏) 就是行业领先的录制游戏或录制桌面的录像软件

Bandicam is the best recording software for screen, game and webcam capture!

Bandicam is a lightweight screen recorder for windows that can capture anything on your PC screen as high-quality video. Also, it makes it possible to record a certain area on a PC screen, or capture a game that uses the DirectX/OpenGL/Vulkan graphic technologies.

Bandicam will help you carry out a game capture with high compression ratio, while keeping the video quality closer to the original work, and provides performance far superior to other recording softwares that provide similar functions.

Game Recording

Bandicam makes it possible to record various 2D/3D games with 4K UHD Video and capture up to 144 FPS Video.

Screen Recording

Bandicam can record everything on your computer screen and save it as video files(AVI, MP4) or image files.

Device Recording

Bandicam allows you to record external video devices such as a webcam, Xbox/PlayStation, smartphone, IPTV, etc.




录像软件-最佳的电脑录屏 Bandicam v5.2.1.1860
百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-_dEEK9PsvILM-UWirajsw 提取码:z4xr

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