WinZip for Mac 结合了尖端的压缩和强大的AES加密成一个简单的,人性化设计的压缩解压软件。现在,您可以压缩并加密文件更快捷,更安全的共享和显著较小的存储 – 一个易于使用的Mac的压缩工具,只为你做好这一切!









•直接从WinZip连接到iCloud Drive,Dropbox,Google Drive和ZipShare


由于多种新功能,包括“文件”窗格,WinZip Mac 6可以通过一个统一的文件共享环境来提高生产力,使您能够管理文件,压缩和解压缩,并添加强大的AES加密功能。

•新功能用于文件管理和共享的文件窗格:使用WinZip Mac中的新文件管理功能实现更高的效率6.使用新的“文件”窗格轻松浏览,选择,压缩和解压缩本地,网络或云文件,而无需在Finder和浏览器通过文件夹或多个云服务进行搜索。删除并重命名云中以及帐户和驱动器之间的文件。使用新的“文件”窗格上下文菜单可获取有关文件的信息,执行快速查看,查看Mac应用程序文件的软件包内容等等。在将文件保存到Mac,上传到云端或通过电子邮件共享之前对其进行加密保护您的隐私。

•增强!从更多文件类型解压缩:WinZip Mac 6可以轻松解压缩更多的压缩文件类型,包括:gzip文件(.gz,.tgz),Unix tar文件(.tar),Unix压缩文件(.z,.tz,.taz ),LZMA2压缩文件(.xz,.txz),BZip文件(.bz,.bz2 .tbz,.tbz2)和虚拟磁盘文件(虚拟磁盘)。

•增强!Zipx文件压缩:使用新的LZMA2支持,WinZip Mac 6可以提供更小的压缩文件大小,特别是当压缩已经有一些压缩文件的文件(如Microsoft Office文件)时。

•增强!MP3压缩:在手机或云服务中保持更多的音乐,或更容易地共享播放列表。 WinZip现在可以将您的MP3文件平均缩小15%至20%,并且不损失质量,这得益于增强的Zipx格式。

压缩软件 WinZip v10.0.6200 Mac(图1)

New WinZip for Mac offers simple zipping and unzipping right from its new Files pane! Enjoy one-click access, multiple viewing layouts, drag-and-drop functionality, support for 12+ compression formats and easy file management!

  • Zip and unzip files instantly with WinZip’s trusted compression
  • Protect files with strong AES encryption
  • Share directly to iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive and ZipShare, from within WinZip
  • Successfully email large files and minimize storage needs


Zip and unzip files instantly using simple, drag-and-drop tools.
Reduce file size for faster sharing and a smaller storage footprint.
Work with 12+ major compressed file formats including Zip, Zipx, RAR, LHA, 7Z, JAR, and WAR.
Encrypt files and/or resize images inside a zipped file without having to unzip/zip it again.
Resize images when you create and zip, and get two new resize options.
Zip or unzip files to any folder in a flash—right from the NEW Files pane!
Password-protect confidential files and apply powerful AES encryption.
Re-use your password when additional encrypted files are added to a Zip.
Prevent unauthorized access of email attachments.
Encrypt individual files within a zipped folder.
Easily view and double-check your password with Show Password.
Package and Share
Zip and encrypt Mac files to create smaller, safer email attachments.
Organize and compress files into small, logical groups that are ideal for sharing.
Zip files and folders for faster uploading/downloading times.
Easily share to Facebook, Twitter and other apps.
Connect to your Clouds
Connect to iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive and ZipShare right from WinZip.
Easily zip and upload large files, or open zip files saved in the cloud.
Use Cloud Links to upload a file to your cloud service and quickly send a link to it via email.
Automatically get a link to paste into Skype or other apps when you upload your zip file to a cloud service.
Maximize cloud storage space by compressing files.



压缩软件 WinZip v10.0.6200 Mac

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