CATIA V5 是在一个企业中实现人员、工具、方法和资源真正集成的基础。其特有的“产品/流程/资源(PPR)模型和工作空间提供了真正的协同环境,可以激发员工的创造性、共享和交流 3D 产品信息以及以流程为中心的设计流程信息。CATIA 内含的知识捕捉和重用功能既能实现最佳的协同设计经验,又能释放终端用户的创新能力。除了 CATIA V5 的 100 多个产品,CATIA V5 开放的应用架构也允许越来越多的第三方供应商提供针对特殊需求的应用模块。

CATIA 是达索系统的先锋品牌,是世界领先的工程和设计解决方案。广泛应用于汽车、机械、航天航空、船舶设计、工业设计、高新技术、日常消费品、生命科学、石油工业能源、建筑等。


  • 汽车运输:CATIA是汽车工业的事实标准,是欧洲、北美和亚洲顶尖汽车制造商所用的核心系统。CATIA在造型风格、车身及引擎设计等方面具有独特的长处,为和种车辆的设 制造提供了端到端(end-to-end)的解决方案,CATIA涉及产品、加工和人三个关键领域。CATIA的可伸缩性和并行工程可显著缩短产品的上市时间。
  • 航空航天:CATIA源于航空工业,是业界无可争辩的领袖.以其精确安全,可靠性满足商业 、 防御和航空领域各种应用的需要。CATIA为航空提供的解决方案,包括管道系统(Piping and Tabling),组装、结构、内部负荷分析(业界第一)、电路布线和综合利用。法国幻影2000系列战斗机就是用CATIA进行设计的一个典范,而波音777客机使用CATIA完成无图纸设计,更是造就了CAD领域内的一个神话。
  • 船舶、游艇:CATIA 为造船工业提供了优秀的解决方案,包括专门的船体产品和船载设备、机械解决方案。船体设计解决方案已被应用于众多船舶制造企业,涉及所有类型船舶的零件设计、制造、装配。船体的结构设计与定义是基于三维参数化模型的。参数化管理零件之间的相关性,相关零件的更改,可以影响船体的外型。船体设计解决方案与其他CATIA 产品是完全集成的。传统的CATIA 实体和曲面造型功能用于基本设计和船体光顺。

CATIA is the World’s Leading Solution for Product Design and Experience. It is used by leading organizations in multiple industries to develop the products we see and use in our everyday lives.

CATIA delivers the unique ability not only to model any product, but to do so in the context of its real-life behavior: design in the age of experience. Systems architects, engineers, designers and all contributors can define, imagine and shape the connected world.
CATIA, powered by Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform, delivers:

  • A Social design environment built on a single source of truth and accessed through powerful 3D dashboards that drive business intelligence, real-time concurrent design and collaboration across all stakeholders including mobile workers.
  • An Instinctive 3DEXPERIENCE, for both experienced and occasional users with world-class 3D modeling and simulation capabilities that optimize the effectiveness of every user.
  • An Inclusive product development platform that is easily integrated with existing processes & tools. This enables multiple disciplines to leverage powerful and integrated specialist applications across all phases of the product development process.

CATIA’s Design, Engineering and Systems Engineering applications are the heart of Industry Solution Experiences from Dassault Systèmes to address specific industry needs. This revolutionizes the way organizations conceive, develop and realize new products, delivering competitive edge through innovative customer experiences.


CATIA Design/Styling for product excellence
From product to transportation industries, the style & design of the product plays a major role in its success on the market. Develop shape & material creativity, reach a high level of surface sophistication & quality, and get the right decision tools with physical & virtual prototypes. These are the key elements of CATIA Design/Styling to boost design innovation.
From 3D sketching, subdivision surface, Class-A modeling to 3D printing, reverse engineering, visualization and experience, CATIA Design/Styling provides all the solutions for design creativity, surface excellence and product…



三维机械CAD设计 DS CATIA P3 V5-6R2021 SP0

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